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发布日期:2022-03-29 作者:

李志国 教授,博士生导师



研究方向:1) 高性能乳液


邮箱: lizgmse@nefu.edu.cn  



(1) 2004-092009-07, 哈尔滨工业大学, 材料物理与化学, 博士

(2) 2001-092004-07, 东北林业大学, 木材科学与技术, 硕士

(3) 1997-092001-06, 东北林业大学, 木材加工, 学士


(1) 2018-1至现在, 东北林业大学, 欧洲杯下注平台, 教授

(2) 2016-12017-1, 澳大利亚联邦科工委材料科学与工程部(CSIRO),访问学者

(3) 2011-92017-12, 东北林业大学, 欧洲杯下注平台, 副教授

(4) 2009-082011-08, 东北林业大学, 欧洲杯下注平台, 讲师

(5) 2010-62014-6, 东北林业大学, 博士后



(1) 国家自然科学基金面上项目,人造板高效涂装水性乳液构建原理及其快速成膜机制研究,2022.01.01-2025.12.31,主持,在研

(2) 国家自然科学基金面上项目,共聚-接枝连续聚合构建PVAc基高性能核壳乳液及其胶接构效特性研究,主持

(3) 国家自然科学基金面上项目,胶接木用单组分室温固化高性能乳液的合成及固化机理研究,主要完成人(第二)

(4) 国家自然科学基金青年项目,封闭异氰酸酯纳米胶束化及其反应致活机理研究,主持

(5) 黑龙江省自然科学基金,新型高性能核壳乳液结构设计、合成原理及其耐水热胶接性能研究,主持

(6) 黑龙江省自然科学基金,新型复合胶黏剂功能性内交联剂的开发及其稳定机理研究,主持

(7) 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金,生物质基超级电容器电极材料的设计制备、表面结构调控及其电化学储能性能研究, 主持

(8) 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金,生物质基多级结构碳纳米材料的水热合成及其形貌与结构调控机制研究,主持


(1) 李志国; 顾继友; 白龙; 高性能核壳乳液结构设计、制备与性能, 科学出版社, 2017.

(2) Xiao Zhang, Jiaxing Sun, Yucheng Chen, Qin Chen, Long Bai,* Jiyou Gu, and Zhiguo Li*; Engineered Latex Particles Using CoreShell Emulsion Polymerization: From a Strawberry-like Surface Pattern to a Shape Memory Film, ACS Applied Polymer Materials2022, 4, 2, 1276-1285.

(3) Xiao Zhang; Bai Long; Jiaxing Sun; Zhiguo Li*; Zhao Jia; Jiyou Gu*; Design and fabrication of PVAc-based inverted core/shell (ICS) structured adhesives for improved water-resistant wood bonding performance: II. Influence of copolymerizing-grafting sequential reaction., International Journal of Adhesion & Adhesives, 2020, 99: 102571.

(4) Xiao Zhang; Bai Long; Jiaxing Sun; Zhiguo Li*; Zhao Jia; Jiyou Gu*; Design and fabrication of PVAc-based inverted core/shell (ICS) structured adhesivesfor improved water-resistant wood bonding performance: I. Influence of chemicalgrafting., International Journal of Adhesion & Adhesives, 2020, 98: 102522.

(5) Long Bai; Siqi Huan; Zhiguo Li*; David Julian Mcclements*; Comparison ofemulsifying properties of food-grade polysaccharides in oil-in water emulsions:Gum arabic, beet pectin, and corn fiber gum, Food Hydrocolloids, 2017, 66:144-153. (ESI高被引、热点文章)

(6) Zongze Lv, Xiaoli Li*, Xiujuan Chen, Xiang Li, Meng Wu, Zhiguo Li*. One-Step Site-Specific Activation Approach for Preparation of Hierarchical Porous Carbon Materials with High Electrochemical Performance. ACS Applied Energy Materials, 2019,2,8767-8782.

(7) Siping Liu, Pengjian Zuo, Yiqun Wang, Xiaoli Li, Wen Zhang, Sheng Xu, Pengfei Huo, Zhiguo Li*. Nitrogen-doped ordered mesoporous carbon microspheres made from m-aminophenol-formaldehyde resin as promising electrode materials for supercapacitors. Microporous and Mesoporous Materials201825954-59

(8) Xiujuan Chen, Zhiguo Li *, Li Wei, Xiaoli Li, Siping Liu, Jiyou GuFabrication of hierarchical cabbage-like carbonaceous materials by one-step cobalt-assisted hydrothermal carbonization of furfural. Microporous and Mesoporous Materials2015210149-160

(9) Xiujuan Chen, Xiaoli Li, Siping Liu, and Zhiguo Li*,Effects of Cobalt Compounds on the Morphology and Structure of Carbonaceous Materials Prepared by Hydrothermal/Solvothermal Carbonization of FurfuralInd. Eng. Chem. Res. 2015, 54, 47564762

(10) Long Bai, Jiyou Gu,* Siqi Huan and Zhiguo Li*. Aqueous poly(vinyl acetate)-based core/shell emulsion: synthesis, morphology, properties and application. RSC Adv., 2014, 4, 27363-27380

