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发布日期:2022-03-29 作者:










2006-现在 东北林业大学 欧洲杯下注平台,教授

2008-2009 加拿大林产品创新研究院,访问学者

2006-2007 日本静岗大学,特聘教授

2003-2005 美国路易斯安那州立大学,访问学者

2002-2006 东北林业大学 欧洲杯下注平台,副教授

2001-2002 日本京都大学生存圈研究所,研究员

1997-2001 日本京都大学,博士

1991-1997 黑龙江省林科院木材工业研究所,研究员

1988-1991 东北林业大学 木材机械加工专业,硕士

1984-1988 东北林业大学 木材机械加工专业,本科




















1、Douglas D.Stokke, Qinglin Wu, Guangping Han. Introduction to Wood and Natural FiberComposites. Wiley-Blackwell Publisher, USA. 2014.1

2、韩广萍参编,张宏建,费本华主编.木结构建筑材料学.北京:中国林业出版社, 2013.8

3、梅长彤主编,韩广萍、吴章康副主编.刨花板制造学(高等院校木材科学与工程专业规划教材).北京:中国林业出版社, 2012.12

4、Guangping Han. Oriented Strandboard as Advanced Structural Materials-Property Enhancement through Alternative Raw Material and Modeling.东北林业大学出版社, 2004.5


1) Meilian Cao, Yi Hu, Wanli Cheng, Siqi Huan, Tian Bai, Zhaoxuan Niu, Yueyang Zhao, Guichu Yue, Yong Zhao**, Guangping Han*. Lignin-based multi-scale cellular aerogels assembled from co-electrospun nanofibers for oil/water separation and energy storage. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2022, 436: 135233

2) Qingxiang Wang, Dong Wang, Wanli Cheng, Jiaqi Huang, Meilian Cao, Zhaoxuan Niu, YueYang Zhao, Yiying Yue**, Guangping Han*. Spider-web-inspired membrane reinforced with sulfhydryl-functionalized cellulose nanocrystals for oil/water separation. Carbohydrate Polymers, 2022, 282: 119049.

3) Yiying Yue*, Shuting Shen, Wanli Cheng, Guangping Han, Qinglin Wu, Jianchun Jiang**. Construction of mechanically robust and recyclable photocatalytic hydrogel based on nanocellulose-supported CdS/MoS2/Montmorillonite hybrid for antibiotic degradation. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 2022, 636: 128035.

4) 高晗,汤赛,迟祥,宋晓雪,韩广萍,程万里*.荧光-麦秸纤维/PP复合材料的制备及其性能.功能材料, 2021, 52(8): 08192-08198.

5) 徐灿,陆继倾,白天,程万里,王戈,程海涛,韩广萍*.纳米SiO2改性竹纤维/乙烯基树脂复合材料界面相容性.复合材料学报, 2021. 38(9): 2776-2785

6) 张彦,倪晓慧,王栋,程万里,韩广萍*.静电纺CNC增强PMMA纳米复合纤维的制备与性能.福建农林大学学报(自然科学版), 2021, 50(4): 562-569

7) Tian Bai, Dong Wang, Jie Yan, Wanli Cheng, Haitao Cheng, Sheldon Q. Shi***, Ge Wang**, Guangping Han*. Wetting mechanism and interfacial bonding performance of bamboo fiber reinforced epoxy resin composites. Composites Science and Technology, 2021, 213, 108951

8) Dong Wang†, Junjiao Zang†, Qingxiang Wang, Wanli Cheng, Guangping Han*, Siqi Huan*. Hierarchical composite membrane with multiscale roughness structures for water-in-oil emulsion separation. Applied Surface Science, 2021, 566, 150666

9) Zhaoxuan Niu, Wanli Cheng, Meilian Cao, Dong Wang, Qingxiang Wang, Jingquan Han***, Yunze Long**, Guangping Han*. Recent Advances in Cellulose-Based Flexible Triboelectric Nanogenerators. Nano Energy, 2021, 87, 106175

10) Yan Jie, Wang Dong, Bai Tian, Cheng Wanli, Han Guangping*, Ni Xiaohui**, Shi Q. Sheldon***. Electrospun PVA nanofibrous membranes reinforced with silver nanoparticles impregnated cellulosic fibers: Morphology and antibacterial property. Chem. Res. Chinese Universities, 2021, 37(3), 505-511

11) Meilian Cao, Qingxiang Wang, Wanli Cheng, Siqi Huan, Yi Hu, Zhaoxuan Niu, Guangping Han*, Haitao Cheng, Ge Wang**. A novel strategy combining electrospraying and one-step carbonization for the preparation of ultralight honeycomb-like multilayered carbon from biomass-derived lignin. Carbon, 2021, 179, 68-79

12) Meilian Cao, Dong Wang, Jiqing Lu, Wanli Cheng, Guangping Han*, Jianbo Zhou**. Electrospun Porous Carbon Nanofibers @ SnOx nanocomposites for High-Performance Supercapacitors: Microstructures and Electrochemical Properties. Composites Part A, 2021, 143, 106278

13) Meilian Cao, Wanli Cheng, Xiaohui Ni, Yi Hu, Guangping Han*. Lignin-based multi-channels carbon nanofibers @ SnO2 nanocomposites for high-performance supercapacitors. Electrochimica Acta, 2020, 345, 136172

14) 薛昊,徐灿,白天,程万里,韩广萍*,程海涛,王戈.竹纤维-环氧树脂复合材料的树脂传递模塑成型制备工艺及界面改性.东北林业大学学报, 2020, 48(12): 106-111+123

15) Dong Wang, Yiying Yue, Qingxiang Wang, Wanli Cheng, Guangping Han*. Preparation of cellulose acetate-polyacrylonitrile composite nanofibers by multi-fluid mixing electrospinning method: Morphology, wettability, and mechanical properties. Applied Surface Science. 2020. 510. 145462

16) 小可,薛昊,程万里,韩广萍*,王戈,程海涛.黄麻纤维织物增强乙烯酯复合材料的制备与力学性能(英文).林业工程学报, 2020 Vol. 5 (1): 88-96

17) Dong Wang, Lihui Xuan, Guangping Han, Andrew H.H. Wong, Qingxiang Wang, Wanli Cheng*. Preparation and characterization of foamed wheat straw fiber/polypropylene composites based on modified nano-TiO2 particles. Composites Part A , 2020,128, 105674

18) Xiang Chi, Jing Xu, Guangping Han, Wanli Cheng*, Bing liu, Xinyuan Du, Haoyu Chen. Selection of cross-seasonal heat collection/storage media for wood solar drying. Drying Technology, 2019, 11: DOI: 10.1080/07373937.2019.1685539

19) Dong Wang†, Tian Bai†, Wanli Cheng, Can Xu, Ge Wang, Haitao Cheng, Guangping Han,* Surface modification of bamboo fibers to enhance the interfacial adhesion of epoxy resin-based composites prepared by resin transfer molding. Polymers, 2019, 11(12), 2107

20) Dong Wang, Wangli Cheng, Qingxiang Wang, Junjiao Zang, Yan Zhang, Guangping Han*. Preparation of electrospun chitosan/poly(ethylene oxide) composite nanofibers reinforced with cellulose nanocrystals: Structure, morphology, and mechanical behavior. Composites Science and Technology, 2019, 182, 107774

21) 臧君娇,倪晓慧,王栋,曹美莲,迟祥,程万里,韩广萍*. Co-Mn掺杂碳气凝胶的制备与性能表征.复合材料学报, 2019, 36(9): 2196-2203

22) 李瑞,白天, Duviol Tadondzo Tatou,薛昊,徐灿,韩广萍*,王戈,程海涛.黄麻纤维增强聚酯复合材料的制备与力学性能.东北林业大学学报, 2019, 47(6): 57-60

23) Xue Wang, Wanli Cheng, Dong Wang, Xiaohui Ni, Guangping Han*. Electrospun polyvinylidene fluoride-based fibrous nanocomposite membranes reinforced by cellulose nanocrystals for efficient separation of water-in-oil emulsions. Journal of Membrane Science, 2019, 575(4): 71-79

24) Xiaohui Ni, Wanli Cheng, Siqi Huan, Dong Wang, Guangping Han*. Electrospun cellulose nanocrystals/poly(methyl methacrylate) composite nanofibers: Morphology, thermal and mechanical properties. Carbohydrate Polymers, 2019, 206(2): 29-37

25) Xun Gao, Qingde Li, Wanli Cheng*, Guangping Han, Lihui Xue. Effects of Moisture Content, Wood Species, and Form of Raw Materials on Fiber Morphology and Mechanical Properties of Wood Fiber-HDPE Composites. Polymer Composites, 2018. 39(9): 3236-3246

26) Dong Wang, Wanli Cheng,Yiying Yue, Lihui Xuan, Xiaohui Ni and Guangping Han*. Electrospun Cellulose Nanocrystals/Chitosan/Polyvinyl Alcohol Nanofibrous Films and their Exploration to Metal Ions Adsorption. Polymers 2018, 10(10), 1046-1062

27) Qiqi Fan, Guangping Han, Wanli Cheng*, Huafeng Tian*, Dong Wang and Lihui Xuan. Effect of Intercalation Structure of Organo-Modified Montmorillonite/Polylactic Acid on Wheat Straw Fiber/Polylactic Acid Composites. Polymers 2018, 10(8), 896-909

28) Xiaohui Ni, Jinru Wang, Yiying Yue, Wanli Cheng, Dong Wang and Guangping Han*. Enhanced Antibacterial Performance and Cytocompatibility of Silver Nanoparticles Stabilized by Cellulose Nanocrystal Grafted with Chito-Oligosaccharides. Materials, 2018, 11(8), 1339-1352

29) 王栋,宣丽慧,李超,程万里,韩广萍*.静电纺纤维素纳米晶体/壳聚糖-聚乙烯醇复合纳米纤维的制备与表征.复合材料学报, 2018, 35(4): 964-972

30) Siqi Huan, Guoxiang Liu, Wanli Cheng, Guangping Han*, and Long Bai*. Electrospun Poly(lactic acid)-Based Fibrous Nanocomposite Reinforced by Cellulose Nanocrystals: Impact of Fiber Uniaxial Alignment on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties. Biomacromolecules, 2018. 19(3): 1037-1046

31) 王金如,倪晓慧,程万里,韩广萍*, CNCs增强PCL复合纤维支架的静电纺丝制备及其性能表征,林业工程学报, 2018, 3(1): 83~ 88

32) Qingde Li, Xun Gao, Wanli Cheng*, Guangping Han, Jiye Han. Preparation and performance of high-density polyethylene-based wood-plastic composites reinforced with red pottery clay. Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites, 2017. 36(12): 853-863

33) Lihui Xuan, Dongxue Hui, Dong Wang, Wanli Cheng, and Guangping Han*. Effects of Preservative Pretreatments on Moisture Adsorption and Desorption Properties of Corn Stalk Fiber/High-density Polyethylene Composites, Bioresources, 2017, 12(4), 7986-8000

34) Lihui Xuan, Dongxue Hui, Wanli Cheng, Andrew H. H. Wong, Guangping Han*, Wei Khong Tan, and Carlson A. D. Tawi. Effect of Preservative Pretreatment on the Biological Durability of Corn Straw Fiber/HDPE Composites. Materials, 2017. 10(7): 788-804

35) Chao Li, Qingde Li, Xiaohui Ni, Guoxiang Liu, Wanli Cheng and Guangping Han*. Coaxial Electrospinning and Characterization of Core-Shell Structured Cellulose Nanocrystal Reinforced PMMA/PAN Composite Fibers. Materials, 2017. 10(6): 572-587

36) Lihui Xuan, Guangping Han, Dong Wang, Wanli Cheng*, Xun Gao, Feng Chen and Qingde Li. Effect of Surface-Modified TiO2 Nanoparticles on the Anti-Ultraviolet Aging Performance of Foamed Wheat Straw Fiber/Polypropylene Composites. Materials, 2017. 10(4): 456-468

37) Feng Chen, Qingde Li, Xun Gao, Guangping Han, Wanli Cheng*. Impulse-cyclone Drying Treatment of Poplar Wood Fibers and its Effect on Composite Material’s Properties. BioResources, 2017. 12(2), 3948-3964

38) 李超,宦思琪,李庆德,倪晓慧,刘国相,程万里,韩广萍*,纤维素纳米晶体对同轴电纺PMMA/PAN复合纳米纤维性能的影响,林业工程学报, 2017, 2(2): 107~ 113

39) Feng Chen, Guangping Han, Qingde Li, Xun Gao and Wanli Cheng*. High Temperature Hot Air/Silane Coupling Modification of Wood Fiber and its Effect on Properties of Wood Fiber/HDPE Composites. Materials, 2017. 10(3): 286-302

40) Gao Xun, Li Qingde, Cheng Wanli*, Han guangping and Xun Lihui. High Temperature and Pressurized Steaming/Silane Coupling Co-Modification for Wood Fibers and Its Effect on the Properties of Wood Fiber/HDPE Composites. Macromolecular Research, 2017.25(2): 141-150

41) Qingde Li, Xun Gao, Wanli Cheng*, and Guangping Han. Effect of Modified Red Pottery Clay on the Moisture Absorption Behavior and Weatherability of Polyethylene-Based Wood-Plastic Composites. Materials, 2017. 10(1): 111-127

42) 刘国相,宦思琪,韩广萍*,程万里,李超,静电纺丝制备PLA/CNCs纳米复合薄膜及其性能研究,功能材料, 2016, 47(11): 11151-11161

43) Xun Gao, Qingde Li, Wanli Cheng*, Guangping Han and Lihui Xuan. Optimization of High Temperature and Pressurized Steam Modified Wood Fibers for High-Density Polyethylene Matrix Composites Using the Orthogonal Design Method. Materials, 2016. 9(10): 847-862

44) Yiying Yue, Jingquan Han, Guangping Han, Alfred D. French, Yadong Qi, Qinglin Wu*. Cellulose nanofibers reinforced sodium alginate-polyvinyl alcohol hydrogels: core-shell structure formation and property characterization. Carbohydrate Polymers, 2016. 147(8): 155-164

45) 惠冬雪,韩广萍*,程万里,防腐剂预处理玉米秸秆皮/HDPE复合材料制备及其力学性能研究,南京林业大学学报(自然科学版), 2016, 40(3): 137-142

46) Siqi Huan, Long Bai, Wanli Cheng, Guangping Han*. Manufacture of electrospun all-aqueous poly(vinyl alcohol)/cellulose nanocrystal composite nanofibrous mats with enhanced properties through controlling fibers arrangement and microstructure . Polymer, 2016. 92(6):25-35

47) 宦思琪,程万里,白龙,刘国相,韩广萍*,静电纺丝制备聚苯乙烯/纳米纤维素晶体纳米复合薄膜及其性能表征,高分子材料科学与工程, 2016, 32(3): 141-146

48) 赵东洋,程万里*,韩广萍,艾沐野,预处理对榆木锯材干燥效果及尺寸稳定性的影响,东北林业大学学报, 2016, 44(4): 60-65.

49) 宦思琪,韩广萍*,倪晓慧,刘国相,白龙,程万里,溶剂对静电纺聚苯乙烯纤维形貌影响及纤维薄膜性能初探,高分子材料科学与工程, 2015, 31(10): 105-109,114

50) Hong Yang, Wanli Cheng * and Guangping Han. Wood modification at high temperature and pressurized steam: A relational model of mechanical properties based on a neural network. BioResources, 2015. 10(3), 5758-5776

51) Yiying Yue, Jingquan Han, Guangping Han∗, Quanguo Zhang, Alfred D. French, Qinglin Wu*. Characterization of cellulose I/II hybrid fibers isolated from energycane bagasse during the delignification process: Morphology, crystallinity and percentage estimation. Carbohydrate Polymers, 2015. 133(11), 438-447

52) Yingying Yue, Jingquan Han, Guangping Han*, Giovanna M. Aita, Qinglin Wu*. Cellulose fibers isolated from energycane bagasse using alkaline and sodium chlorite treatments: Structural, chemical and thermal properties, Industrial Crops and Products, 2015. 76(12), 355-363

53) Siqi Huan, Long Bai, Guoxiang Liu, Wanli Cheng, Guangping Han*. Electrospun nanofibrous composites of polystyrene and cellulose nanocrystals: manufacture and characterization. RSC Advances. 2015, 5(63): 50756–50766

54) Siqi Huan, Guoxiang Liu, Guangping Han*, Wanli Cheng, Zongying Fu, Qinglin Wu and Qingwen Wang. Effect of Experimental Parameters on Morphological, Mechanical and Hydrophobic Properties of Electrospun Polystyrene Fibers. Materials, 2015. 8(5): 2718-2734

55) 刘飞虹,韩广萍*,程万里,玉米秸秆粉体/聚乙烯复合材料的制备及性能,东北林业大学学报, 2015, 43(4): 119-122

56) Feihong Liu, Guangping Han*, Wanli Cheng, Qinglin Wu. Sorption Isotherm of Southern Yellow Pine - High Density Polyethylene Composites. Materials. 2015. 8(1): 368-378

57) 蔡琪,韩广萍*,宦思琪,商璐,程万里,纤维素纳米粒子增强聚甲基丙烯酸甲酯复合材料的制备和性能,东北林业大学学报, 2014, 42(6): 103-107

58) 高珣,程万里*,王海刚,韩广萍,李卓,杨木纤维尺寸对于木塑复合材料力学性能的影响,东北林业大学学报, 2014, 42(2): 100-103.

59) 商璐,韩广萍*,程万里,吴清林, Magma纤维增强高密度聚乙烯复合材料性能研究,东北林业大学学报, 2014, 42(6): 99-102

60) 方迪,程万里,王永晶,韩广萍*, Pierre Eloy,《定向结构麦秸板》行业标准的编制说明,木材工业, 2014, 28(2): 47-50

61) Guangping Han*, Siqi Huan, Jingquan Han, Zhen Zhang, and Qinglin Wu. Effect of Acid Hydrolysis Conditions on the Properties of Cellulose Nanoparticle-Reinforced Polymethylmethacrylate Composites. Materials. 2014. 7(1), 16-29

62) Yiying Yue, Guangping Han*, and Qinglin Wu. Transitional Properties of Cotton Fibers from Cellulose I to Cellulose II Structure. BioResources. 2013. 8(4), 6460-6471

63) Wanli Cheng, Guangping Han*, and Di Fang. Oriented structural boards from split wheat straw: Effects of straw length, panel density, and resin content. BioResources. 2013. 8(3): 4497-4504

64) Jingquan Han, Chengjun Zhou, Alfred D. French, Guangping Han, Qinglin Wu*. Characterization of cellulose II nanoparticles regenerated from 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium chloride. Carbohydrate Polymers. 2013. 94 (2):773-781

65) Birm-June Kim, Fei Yao, Guangping Han, Qingwen Wang, Qinglin Wu. Mechanical and Physical Properties of Core-Shell Structured Wood Plastic Composites: Effect of Shells with Hybrid Mineral and Wood Fillers. Composites Part B. 2013. 45(1):1040-1048

66) Lu Shang, Guangping Han*, Fangzheng Zhu, Jiansheng Ding, Todd Shupe, Qingwen Wang, and Qinglin Wu. High-Density Polyethylene-Based Composites with Pressure-Treated Wood Fibers. BioResources. 2012. 7(4): 5181-5189

67) Yiying Yue, Chengjun Zhou, Alfred D. French, Xia Guan, Guangping Han, Qingwen Wang, Qinglin Wu*. Comparative Properties of Cellulose Nano-Crystals from Native and Mercerized Cotton Fibers. Cellulose. 2012. 19(4): 1173-1187

68) Guangping Han, Wanli Cheng, Mark Manning, and Pierre Eloy. Performance of Zinc Borate-Treated Oriented Structural Straw Board against Mold Fungi, Decay Fungi, and Termites – A Preliminary Trial. BioResources. 2012. 7(3): 2986-2995

69) Birm-June Kim, Fei Yao, Guangping Han, Qinglin Wu. Performance of Bamboo Plastic Composites with Hybrid Bamboo and Precipitated Calcium Carbonate Fillers. Polymer Composites. 2012. 33(1): 68–78

70) 付顺鑫,韩广萍*,程万里,蒸汽爆破改性处理对麦秸板性能的影响,东北林业大学学报, 2011, 39(4): 99-100,104

71) 程万里,韩广萍*, Krijn D. K. Leendertse,定向结构麦秸板阻燃性能的研究,东北林业大学学报, 2010, 38(10): 70-71,105

72) Shunxin Fu, Guangping Han*, Wanli Cheng and James Deng. Modification of Wheat Straws through Steam Explosion and Its Effect on Panel Properties. Advanced Materials Research Vols. 143-144 (2011) pp 1429-1433

73) 韩广萍,低碳型建筑材料——定向结构麦秸板及其房屋系统,绿色建筑, 2010, 4, 23-24.

74) Song Yongming, Wang Qingwen, Han Guangping, Wan Haigang, and Gao Hua. Effects of two modification methods on the mechanical properties of wood flour/recycled plastic blends composites: addition of thermoplastic elastomer SEBS-g-MAH and in-situ grafting MAH. Journal of Forestry Research. 2010. 21(3): 373-378

75) Guangping Han and Wanli Cheng. 2010. Effect of Coupling Treatment and Nanoclay on Thermal Stability of Bamboo Flour-Filled High Density Polyethylene Composites. Advanced Materials Research Vols. 113-114: 2349-2352

76) Wanli Cheng and Guangping Han. 2010. Flake Alignment and Linear Expansion of Various Oriented Strandboard. Advanced Materials Research Vols. 113-114: 2353-2356

77) 韩广萍,程万里,Krijn D. K. Leendertse,麦秸在建筑材料中的应用——定向结构麦秸板及其房屋系统,木材工业, 2010, 24(3): 44-47.

78) Guangping Han*, James Deng, Shuyin Zhang, Paul Bicho, Qinglin Wu. Effect of Steam Explosion Treatment on Characteristics of Wheat Straw. Industrial Crops and Products. 2010. 31(1): 28-33

79) Guangping Han*, Wanli Cheng, James Deng, Chunping Dai, Shuyin Zhang, Qinglin Wu. Effect of pressurized steam treatment on selected properties of wheat straw. Industrial Crops and Products. 2009. 30(7): 48-53

80) Hongzhi Liu, Qinglin Wu, Guangping Han, Fei Yao, Yoichi Kojima, and Shigehiko Suzuki. Compatibilizing and toughening bamboo flour-filled HDPE composites: mechanical properties and morphologies. Composite Part A. 2008. 39(12):1891-1900

81) Guangping Han, Yong Lei, Qinglin Wu, Y. Kojima, and S. Suzuki. Bamboo-fiber filled high density polyethylene composites: effect of coupling treatment and nanoclay. Journal of Polymers and the Environment, 2008. 16(2): 123-130

82) Zhiyong Cai, Qinglin Wu, Guangping Han, and Jong N. Lee. Tensile and thickness swelling properties of strands from Southern hardwoods and Southern pine: Effect of hot-pressing and resin application. Forest Products Journal, 2007. 57(5): 36-40

83) Guangping Han, Qinglin Wu, and John Z. Lu. The influence of fines content and panel density on properties of mixed hardwood oriented strandboard. Wood and Fiber Science, 2007. 39(1): 2-15

84) Guangping Han, Qinglin Wu, and John Z. Lu. Selected properties of wood strand and oriented strandboard from small-diameter southern pine trees. Wood and Fiber Science, 2006. 38(4): 621-632

85) 程万里,韩广萍,刘一星,師岡敏朗,木材平衡含水率及水分吸附机理研究纵览与思考,科学研究月刊(香港), 2006, 17: 102-106

86) Guangping Han, Qinglin Wu, and Xiping Wang. Stress-wave velocity of wood-based panels: effect of moisture, product type, and material direction. Forest Products Journal, 2006. 56(1): 28-33

87) Guangping Han and Qinglin Wu. Physical and mechanical properties of mixed comrind and hardwood oriented strandboard bonded with phenol formaldehyde resin. Forest Products Journal, 2005. 55(10): 28-36

88) Guangping Han and Qinglin Wu. Comparative properties of comrind and wood strands for structural composite manufacturing. Forest Products Journal, 2004. 54 (12): 283-288

89) Qinglin Wu, Jong N. Lee, and Guangping Han. The influence of voids on the engineering constants of oriented strandboard: a finite element model. Wood Fiber Science. 2004. 36 (1): 71-83

90) Jianying Xu, Guangping Han, Ee Ding Wong, and Shuichi Kawai. Development of binderless particleboard from kenaf core using steam-injection pressing. Journal of Wood Science, 2003. 49 (4): 327-332

91) Jianying Xu, Ryo Sugawara, Ragil Widyorini, Guangping Han, and Shuichi Kawai. Manufacture and properties of low-density binderless particleboard from kenaf core. Journal of Wood Science, 2004. 50 (1): 62-67

92) Guangping Han,. Development of high-performance reed and wheat straw composite panels. Wood Research. 2001. No.88: 19-39

93) 韓廣萍,中国の林業およびボード工業の現状,ウッディエイジ(日本), 2001, 50(8) A-4A

94) Guangping Han, Kenji Umemura, Min Zhang, T. Honda, and Shuichi Kawai. Development of high-performance UF-bonded reed and wheat straw medium-density fiberboard. Journal of Wood Science, 2001. 47(5): 350-355

95) Guangping Han, Kenji Umemura, Ee Ding Wong, Min Zhang, and Shuichi Kawai. Effects of silane coupling agent level and extraction treatment on the properties of UF-bonded reed and wheat straw particleboards. Journal of Wood Science, 2001. 47(1):18-23

96) Wong, Ee Ding, Min Zhang, Qian Wang, Guangping Han, and Shuichi Kawai. Formation of the density profile and its effects on the properties of fiberboard. Journal of Wood Science, 2000. 46(3): 202-209

97) Guangping Han, Kenji Umemura, Shuichi Kawai, and Hiromu Kajita. Improvement mechanism of bondability in UF-bonded reed and wheat straw boards by silane coupling agent and extraction treatments. Journal of Wood Science, 1999. 45(4): 299-305

98) Guangping Han, Changwu. Zhang, Dongmei Zhang, Kenji Umemura, and Shuichi Kawai. Upgrading of UF-bonded reed and wheat straw particleboards using silane coupling agents. Journal of Wood Science, 1998. 44(4): 282-286

99) 张冬梅,韩广萍,何玲芝,麦秸特性与麦秸刨花板制板工艺的研究,林业科技, 1998, 23 (4): 45-47.

100)韩广萍,程万里,李长江,用克吉达尔氮分析法测定胶合板中实际用胶量,林业科技, 1996, 21(1): 47~48.

101)韩广萍,李庆章,程万里,影响人造板释放甲醛的因素,建筑人造板, 1996, 36(3): 27~29.

102)韩广萍,王戈,刘振国,芦苇特性与芦苇刨花板制板工艺关系的研究,林产工业, 1995, 22 (4): 37-38.

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Strategic Initiatives Committee of Society of Wood Science and Technology副主任委员







