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发布日期:2022-03-29 作者:




研究方向:1. 生物质复合材料与智能制造

2. 木材高值化利用及功能开发








(1)2009/10 - 至今,东北林业大学,欧洲杯下注平台,教授/博士生导师

(2)2006/07 - 至今,东北林业大学,欧洲杯下注平台,教授

(3)2006/07 - 2009/09,东北林业大学,欧洲杯下注平台,教授/硕士生导师

(4)2005/10– 2008/09,东北林业大学,机电工程学院,博士后

(5)2001/07 - 2006/06,东北林业大学,欧洲杯下注平台,副教授/硕士生导师

(6)1996/07 - 2001/06,东北林业大学,林产工业学院,讲师

(7)1994/12 - 1996/06,东北林业大学,林产工业学院,工程师

(8)1992/09 - 1994/11,哈尔滨木器厂,技术科,工程师

(9)1987/08 - 1992/08,哈尔滨木器厂,技术科,助理工程师


结合木材科学与技术和生物质材料领域的国际学术前沿,致力于新型生物质基复合材料开发研制、低质人工林木材的高值化与功能化改性理论与应用研究。主持完成3项国家自然科学基金,主持其他各类纵向科研项目12项,横向科研项目2项;作为主要成员参加国家基金重点项目、国家科技支撑及省部级科研项目10余项;在《Bioresource Technology》和《林业科学》等国内外核心学术期刊上发表研究论文百余篇;参加国内外学术会议50余次,大会报告并发表会议论文70余篇;在科学出版社出版专著2部,参编4部;授权发明专利10件;为本科生、研究生授课8门,指导博士、硕士研究生68名。作为第一完成人分别获得黑龙江省科技进步一等奖、梁希自然科学二等奖、中国物流与采购联合会科技进步二等奖,主要完成人获得国家科学技术进步二等奖、黑龙江省自然科学一等奖、教育部自然科学二等奖。


(1)国家林业局科技推广项目/ [2019]11号,木质材料纳米防腐剂制备技术推广,2019/05-2022/12,50万元,排名第1

(2)国家重点研发计划子任务/ 2016YFD06008,木质基光响应智能复合材料研制及成型技术,2018/01-2020/12,40万元,排名第1

(3)国家自然科学基金面上/ 31670574,功能性木材-橡胶复合材多尺度微纳结构界面的构建及形成机理,2017/01-2020/12,75万元,排名第1

(4)黑龙江省自然科学基金重点项目/ ZD201306,木材纤维增强废旧橡胶复合材料的结构设计和机理研究,2014/01-2016/12,20万元,排名第1

(5)教育部博士点基金项目/ 20120062110001,功能性木塑复合材料光敏变色机理的研究,2013/01-2015/12,12万元,排名第1

(6)国家林业局公益性行业专项/ 201204709,节能环保型热处理木材关键技术及产业化示范,2012/01-2014/12,191万元,排名第1

(7)国家自然科学基金面上项目/ 30972300,木材的碳素储存与保护机制的研究,2010/01-2012/12,32万元,排名第1

(8)国家林业局948引进项目/ 2009-4-49,木质材料纳米防腐关键技术引进,2009/01-2013/12,50万元,排名第1





(1)许民,王克奇.麦秸/聚苯乙烯复合材料工艺参数研究.林业科学,2006,42(3), p67-71

(2)许民,陈磊,李坚.基于ANSYS的稻草/PS层合复合材料保温性能仿真分析.林业科学,2007,43(12), p122-125

(3)许民,陈佛喜.平台框架式木结构住宅设计方法探讨.林业科学,2008,44(12), p105-111

(4)Min Xu, Jian Li*. Effect of adding rubber powder to poplar particles on composite properties.  Bioresource Technology,2012.(08)118: p56-60,SCI 5.610 Q1/TOP

(5)Guo-fu Wu, Min Xu*. Effects of boron compounds on the mechanical and fire properties of wood-chitosan and high-density polyethylene composites. BioResource,2014.9(3):p4173-4193, SCI 1.621 Q2

(6)Dongwei Shao,Min Xu*,Liping Cai,Sheldon Q. Shi . Fabrication of wood-rubber composites using rubber compound as a bonding agent instead of adhesives. Materials 2016.06,SCI 2.654 Q2

(7)Zhaozhe Yang,Xinhao Feng,Yongbao Bi,Zhifang Zhou,Jinquan Yue,Min Xu*. Bleached extruder chemi-mechanical pulp fiber-PLA composites: Comparison of mechanical, thermal, and rheological properties with those of wood flour-PLA bio-composites. Journal of Applied Polymer Science,2016.12,SCI 1.86 Q2

(8)Wei Cui,Nannan Zhang,Min Xu*,Liping Cai . Combined effects of ZnO particle deposition and heat treatment on dimensional stability and mechanical properties of poplar wood.  Scientific Reports, 2017.08,SCI 4.122 Q1

(9)Dongwei Shao,Min Xu*, Liping Cai,Sheldon Q. Shi. Fabrication of Wood Fiber-rubber Composites with Reclaimed Rubber. BioResources,2018.02,SCI 1.396 Q2

(10)Zhaozhe Yang,Guomin Wu,Siqun Wang,Min Xu*,Xinhao Feng. Dynamic postpolymerization of 3D-printed photopolymer nanocomposites: Effect of cellulose nanocrystal and postcure temperature. Journal of Polymer Science, Part B: Polymer Physics, 2018.06,SCI 2.596 Q2

(11)Hongjie Bi,Zechun Ren,Rui GuoMin Xu*,Yongming Song. Fabrication of flexible wood flour/thermoplastic polyurethane elastomer composites using fused deposition molding. Industrial Crops and Products, 2018.10,SCI 4.191 Q1/TOP

(12)Rui Guo,Zechun Ren,Hongjie Bi,Yongming Song,Min Xu*.  Effect of toughening agents on the properties of Poplar Wood Flour/Poly (Lactic Acid) Composites fabricated with Fused Deposition Modeling. European Polymer Journal 2018.10,SCI 3.621 Q1

(13)Hongjie Bi,Min Xu*,Gaoyuan Ye,Rui Guo,Liping Cai,Zechun Ren. Mechanical, Thermal, and Shape Memory Properties of Three-Dimensional Printing Biomass Composites. Polymers 2018.11,SCI 3.164 Q1

(14)Yalan Li,Yangyang Zhang,Wanru Dong,Jinquan Yue,Min Xu*,Sheldon Q. Shi.Preparation and properties of pulp fibers treated with zinc oxide nanoparticles by in situ chemosynthesis. Holzforschung, 2018.11,SCI 2.579 Q1/TOP

(15)Nannan Zhang,Min Xu*,Liping Cai. Improvement of mechanical, humidity resistance and thermal properties of heat-treated rubber wood by impregnation of SiO2 precursor. Scientific Reports,2019.01,SCI 3.998 Q1

(16)Yalan Li,Min Xu*. Comparison on the properties of the wheat straw/rubber composites by adding graphite/carbon fiber. Polymer Composites,2019.03,SCI 2.265 Q2

(17)Rui Guo,Zechun Ren, Hongjie Bi,Min Xu*,Liping Cai.  Electrical and Thermal Conductivity of Polylactic Acid (PLA)-Based Biocomposites by Incorporation of Nano-Graphite Fabricated with Fused Deposition Modeling.  Polymers, 2019.03,SCI 3.426 Q1

(18)Zhaozhe Yang,Hongjie Bi,Yongbao Bi,Denis Rodrigue,Min Xu*,Xinhao Feng. Comparison between polyethylene glycol and tributyl citrate to modify the properties of wood fiber/polylactic acid biocomposites. Polymer Composites 2019.04,SCI 2.265 Q2

(19)Yalan Li,Hao Sun,Yangyang Zhang, Min Xu*,Sheldon Q. Shi. The three-dimensional heterostructure synthesis of ZnO/cellulosic fibers and its application for rubber composites. Composite Science and Technology,2019.06,SCI 7.094 Q1/TOP

(20)Rui Guo,Zechun Ren,Xin Jia,Hongjie Bi,Haiying Yang,Tong Ji,Min Xu*,Liping Cai. Preparation and Characterization of 3D Printed PLA-Based Conductive Composites Using Carbonaceous Fillers by Masterbatch Melting Method. Polymers,2019.10,SCI 3.426 Q1

(21)Zechun Ren,Rui Guo,Hongjie Bi,Xin Jia,Min Xu*,Liping Cai.  Interfacial Adhesion of Polylactic Acid on Cellulose Surface A Molecular Dynamics Study. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces,2020.01,SCI  8.758 Q1/TOP

(22)Hao Sun,Hongjie Bi,Xin Lin,Liping Cai,Min Xu*. Lightweight, Anisotropic, Compressible, and Thermally‐Insulating Wood Aerogels with Aligned Cellulose Fibers. Polymers 2020.01,SCI 3.426 Q1

(23)Hongjie Bi,Zechun Ren,Gaoyuan Ye,Hao Sun,Rui Guo, Xin Jia,Min Xu*. Fabrication of cellulose nanocrystal reinforced thermoplastic polyurethane/polycaprolactone blends for three-dimension printing self-healing nanocomposites . Cellulose,2020.07,SCI 4.21 Q1/TOP

(24)Hongjie Bi, Gaoyuan Ye, Haiying Yang, Hao Sun, Zechun Ren, Rui Guo, Min Xu*, Liping Cai, Zhenhua Huang. Near infrared-induced shape memory polymer composites with dopamine-modified multiwall carbon nanotubes via 3D-printing. European Polymer Journal, 2020, 136: 109920,SCI 3.862 Q1

(25)Hongjie Bi, Xin Jia, Gaoyuan Ye, Zechun Ren, Haiying Yang, Rui Guo, Min Xu*, Liping Cai, Zhenhua Huang. Three-Dimensional-Printed Shape Memory Biomass Composites for Thermal-Responsive Devices 3D Printing and additive manufacturing  2020, 7: 170-180,SCI 3.579 Q2

(26)Zechun Ren, Rui Guo, Xinyuan Zhou, Hongjie Bi, Xin Jia, Min Xu*,Jun Wang, Liping Cai, Zhenhua Huang. Effect of amorphous cellulose on the deformation behavior of cellulose composites: molecular dynamics simulation. RSC advanced ,2021,11, 19967-19977,SCI 3.36 Q2

(27)Hao Sun, Zechun Ren, Tong Ji, Hongjie Bi, Min Xu*. Mechanically Strong, Cost-Efficiency, and Sustainable Fully Wood-Derived Structural Materials by Micro/nanoscale Design. Journal of Materials Research and Technology, 2021, 14, 3043–3050,SCI 5.039 Q1

(28)杨海英,郭蕊,任泽春,许民*. 抗氧剂/光稳定剂对 3D 打印光致变色木塑复合材料性能的影响. 复合材料学报,2021,38(03):761-769,EI 1.656


木材的碳素储存与科学保管 科学出版社 30 2013

生物质-塑料复合工学  科学出版社 30 2006

生物质复合材料学  科学出版社 10 2008

功能性木材  科学出版社 10 2011

木塑复合材与制品   化学工业出版社 10 2007

制材新技术 东北林业大学出版社 主编 1997







